Tuesday 14 April 2009

wad i learn 2day

Negative equity is a term used in housing market,usually following a general fall in property prices, to mean that the market value of a mortgaged house or flat is less than the amount outstanding balance on the loan.

Giffen goods are very very inferior goods. when the price of goods rise, the consumption of the goods rise. This arise when there is no close substitute goods and the goods must constitute a substantial percentage of the buyer's income. Such as potato and meat for low income family.Potato are stable food for them, assume that they are buying a large portion of potato and some meat. when the price of potato increases, they would choose buy more potato and less meat since potato are basic need to them.

Accelerator is a small increases in demand leads to a bigger increases in investment.

Keynesian-style : an injection to the economic boost aggregate demand.(injection are exports, investment and government spending. leakages are saving, tax and imports)

factors affecting consumer expenditures: inflation, disposable real income, wealth, distribution of income, age structure, consumer`s confidence, interest rate.

Labour force survery is recored by interview.

1 comment:

  1. 1. check your spelling
    2. try answering Giffen here:

